As a multipotentialite/polymath/Scanner/Renaissance soul a.k.a. Jill of nearly all trades, Nancee has been happily juggling, marrying, recycling, and experimenting with different interests and career paths. After a millennial series of (un)fortunate events, she jumped ship ark to the pet industry. She later found her fellow party animals in online professional pet care communities, particularly PetSittingOlogy, a hub for ongoing collaborations, webinars and annual conferences offering training that includes PetTech CPR/first aid/assessment, as well as best industry practices and trends, particularly the geeky side of things—SEO and content marketing—to make Google’s long tail wag and keep pet parents happy.

Nancee helps primarily vacation and business travelers put their mind at ease by keeping their home and furry or feathery babies safe. When she’s not busy herding mutts and hanging out with the hip kitties, lovebirds, love bunnies, and _____________ [insert choice adjectives + other critters here], she serves as a local church keyboardist/staff member while lounging with her boys, jazz rock cats Miki and Bunny, along with a more recent addition to the pack, a rescued stray Chugweenie with a bit of an identity crisis, Pico a.k.a. Mr. Dude a.k.a. Piccolo, and conducting impromptu Trans-Siberian Husky Orchestra performances in her downtime. Her girls, mom and daughter, the late Chelsea and Sasha, would usually insist on improvised howling choir auditions during individual or band practice or jam session.

To reach her ultimate dream of a location-independent career and a flexible lifestyle, Nancee has come full circle when it comes to some of her lifelong interests—writing and language-related hustle as a complement to overnight pet sitting and house sitting, allowing her to hit two birds with a stone. (No animal cruelty implied here, of course!)

The world-famous Bunny Museum interview is also part of her business-unusual portfolio (but don’t expect a press conference anytime soon—or ever!):

Satisfied pet parents attest to Nancee’s reliable, trustworthy, warm, and loving care that keep them coming back time and time again. As one of them remarks, “Thank you for being the best pet sitter ever! We never worry about our beloved pets when we leave town knowing you’re there! Our puppies love you and look forward to each time you sit.”

When you’re itching to book some fun for your pets, feel free to give Nancee a shout-out, meow, or woof. She would be more than honored to be part of your extended critter family!


Bella, a happy furry client and Nancee,
With love and woofs from Nancee and Bella the Goldendoodle, a very satisfied furry client




Pet Sitters AssociatesPetTech Self-ReikiThe Puttytribe