Do you get spooked by things that go bump in the night—and in the daytime, too? You know, the kinds that/who hang out with your furry friends in your private little corner of the world?

Aside from horror stories of pet sitters t(h)rashing homes or losing pets or even home invasions and peeping Toms and Tammies, is the thought of some random stranger getting 24/7 access to your property unsettling in general, Rockwell-style? Do you feel that way or is there someone else living with you who does? Are you or is your co-occupant socially anxious or selective? (As an introvert, I totally get you!) At the risk of sounding a bit like a hypocrite, I’d probably get a bit nervous letting someone go in and out of my place with my belongings and pets while I’m away, so the last thing I want for you is to feel uneasy.

In-home services by far provide the best peace of mind and the ultimate convenience for pet parents and homeowners, but to some folks, having others come to their personal space to provide services is just the polar opposite of putting their mind at ease. If you resemble that remark, what do you do in situations like this? Continue reading